GPU 홈페이지 ;
GPU members who have been a member for more than one year, or who have recently joined for three years may apply for Crown and VIP distinctions.
A maximum of 2 VIP distinctions can be applied for in any 12-month period.
12개월 동안 최대 2개의 VIP 등급을 신청할 수 있습니다.
Applications for Crown and VIP will only be considered between the dates.
January 16th to July 31st and September 1st to December 14th in any one year.
1월 16일~7월 31일 및 9월 1일~12월 14일.
RULES for G.P.U. VIPs (Very Important Photos)
The GPU system for VIPs (Very Important Photos) is based on photos awarded as TOP PRIZE.
Unlike the system for CROWNs, the procedure for VIP Distinctions does not attribute a score automatically. An evaluation of the award will be determined by a special GPU committee.
GPU VIP 1: 5 DIFFERENT top prize photos
GPU VIP 2: 10 DIFFERENT top prize photos
GPU VIP 3: 20 DIFFERENT top prize photos
GPU VIP 4: 30 DIFFERENT top prize photos
GPU VIP 5: 50 DIFFERENT top prize photos
DEFINITION OF “Top Prize Photo” "우수상 사진"의 정의
The awards eligible for VIPs are the 1st Prize, Gold medals or Best Work of Salon in International competitions of any patronage and year. If a Photo Salon is divided into different categories, the first prize for each category is eligible as well. Neither special prizes nor a judge’s choices are valid.
It is also possible to submit a photo awarded at the top worldwide renowned exhibitions (i.e., World Press Photo, BBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year, SONY Awards, Travel Photographer of the Year, IPA Contest, etc.), when it was not a first prize. In this case, GPU will decide at its own discretion about the eligibility for VIPs.
VIP가 받을 수 있는 상은 모든 후원 및 연도의 국제 대회에서 1등, 금메달 또는 Best Work of Salon입니다.
포토살롱이 여러 카테고리로 나뉘어져 있는 경우 각 카테고리의 1등도 자격이 있습니다.
특별상이나 심사위원의 선택은 유효하지 않습니다.
세계적으로 유명한 전시회(예: World Press Photo, BBC 올해의 야생 사진가, SONY Awards, 올해의 여행 사진가, IPA 콘테스트 등)에서 수상한 사진을 제출하는 것도 가능합니다. 일등 상. 이 경우 GPU는 VIP 자격에 대해 자체 재량에 따라 결정합니다.
- Download the form from the Crown Distinctions section of
- Fill the “Check-List & rules” sheet
- Fill the “page A” sheet: Note that no qualifications can be added to personal data. Titles like “Doctor” will not appear on GPU
- List the titles of the photos in the sheet “VIP” indicating for each one the most important “top prize” obtained (only one).
- Save and send the completed file by e-mail, to the distinctions officer:
Include with the completed form the following:
- The proof (jpg or pdf) of payment of the fee.
- The proofs of the evidence of the prizes listed in the form by the links to the URL of the official catalogues, specify the page, or the jpg or pdf, of the pages of the scanned catalogues.
- The photos listed in the form (jpg, low resolution, maximum 200 kb). If the attachments are too large in total, it is possible to split them into multiple emails, or use either the service or a personal drop-box account.
- After the documentation has been checked and approved, the GPU Distinction Officer will ask the applicant to send the same photos at a higher resolution of at least 2400pixel, 300dpi). These images will be used for promoting GPU in exhibitions and catalogues with non-profit purpose. By applying, for the GPU VIP, it is agreed that the applicant consents to the use of their photos by GPU for non-profit purposes. The copyright will remain with the photographer.
Successful applicants will receive a pdf certificate via email once the distinction has been awarded. Paper copies will be sent quarterly (4 times per year).
Costs: The cost of a single VIP is €45 (postage included) which must be paid prior to submitting any application.
Payment can be made by PayPal to quoting “VIP” and the level requested.